Success is a blue ribbon for the 100 M Dash. Success is a hole in one. Success is ultimately happiness.
My success is different than your success and vice versa. Shit, I call it a victory waking up before 8, working out and being dressed by 9. That deserves an award in my book and a lot of you probably read that and said “wow, must be rough,” and it was. It was rough continuing a 4-year education hours away from my family dreading 4 Missed Calls from Mom. It was rough being a solo, young woman swallowed by a population of 475,862 when I moved to Omaha. It’s rough surrounded by my own thoughts for 8 hours every day with just a computer in front of my face. Everyone’s success looks different.
When I Grow Up
Remember career day? “What do you want to be when you grow up?” or “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Boy, was I mistaken when I thought becoming a supermodel would be easy. Have you tried Grandma Carol’s dumplings? It took trial and error to realize that big dreams don’t equal big smiles. Living a life that appears great doesn’t actually portray greatness. Let me give an example. I’m a girl. I love shoes and shoes love me except for a few blisters here and there. Do I love a fresh pair of Birkenstocks, smelling of cork and clean leather? Absolutely. Do I love the price? No. So I head over to Payless, buy the closest pair of knockoffs, and strut the streets appearing as though my feet are embraced in $100 rather than $10. It’s an illusion. The same goes for success. We can appear to have a happy marriage, a healthy wallet, or a life full of adventure. While it’s always been possible, social media makes it even easier to create the perfect illusion. But where does that get us. Status? “The Cool Kids Club”? The reality is everyone talks no matter what you are doing in life so you might as well be doing what makes you happy, right? The size of the city doesn’t translate to size of success. Nor the size of the car. The smile on your face, the endorphins in your body and the state of contentment are the pillars to measuring success.
I recently had a college friend visit; someone who knows my flaws and perfections to my absolute core. I've passionately described my current town of 200 and most of my friends just don't understand the draw. What's the benefits of living on "Retirement Row"? Where's Hy-Vee? Don't you get bored? All very valid questions but until you've been here, you don't understand the success behind the street signs. Towards the end of her stay she said, "Becca, I can tell you are just so happy and content here. I understand why you love it so much." Sam, if you are reading, that was one of the greatest compliments I've received in my life because it shows that if you follow your heart, no matter what anyone thinks, you are happy. You are successful. Growth doesn't always have to be tangible trophies and certificates. Improvements can be seen in your relationships, in your feelings and overall in your attitude.
My goal isn’t to change society’s craving for gossip or fancy toys. Keep gabbing over 3:30 coffee. However, analyze your purpose. It’s great to keep striving for those aspirations but find your inner peace first. Forcing yourself to like your job, like your hobbies, or like your living arrangement only creates resentment or bitterness towards people who appear to be doing it better. We aren’t. It’s a show where all the main characters are just supporting roles. So try it. Try the hot yoga. Try living overseas. Try for that new managerial position but never be afraid to put it back on the shelf and keep shopping. That's not failure, it's success. Be content yet curious. Celebrate the small victories and for Pete’s sake, be happy because everyone’s success is different.